Saturday, March 20, 2021

Seed starting time!

It's that time of year again and I got my seeds started this morning. I didn't look at my old post so I started the peppers and the tomatoes today. Hopefully the tomatoes don't get too big by the time I plant them outside at the beginning of June but can only do so much. I planted Bloddy Butcher, Old German and San Marazano tomatoes. For peppers I planted early Calwonder and Marconi Rosso I used two different soils, miracle grow seed starting mix and pro mix potting soil. With Covid i had to do a curbside pickup of smaller bags because my prefered variety wasn't avaliable There on the usual grow shelf but in the basement, this time I'm going to leave the lights on

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Remaining Seeds Started

Today I started the last 3 trays of seeds.  I started 30 tomatoes plants, 5 cells of green onions, 6 cells of kale and 12 cells of broccoli.  I am growing all of the tomatoes I grew last year Bloody Butcher, Slava , Black plum, Yellow plum, Cabernet, and new this year some Sweetie cherry tomatoes.

This gives me a total of 6 tray of seeds under 3 lights.

The seeds I previously started are doing pretty well, almost all of the peppers are up except the yellow Hungarian I have had issues with them in the past but they are very disappointing this year. I don't think I will be trying to grow them next year right now out of 21 seeds I have one that has come up.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Easter Weekend

Lots of activity this weekend, I cleaned out the asparagus plants from last year.  The ground is thawed enough to easily pull/break them off, but still cold enough that there isn't any chance of new growth yet.

The leeks came up on Saturday and are looking good. They came up very quickly and look to have almost 100% germination

The Colossal peppers started to sprout on Sunday, and are looking pretty good there are still a few to come up.

The Chervena Chushka just started to come up this morning giving me a 14-15 day germination.  I'm wondering if I had it slightly too cold in the room causing them to take a little longer than in past years. I also didn't have them under the lights for the first week, thinking that additional heat may have had some affect.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Basil is Up

The basil has just sprouted up. It was started on March 20th giving me a 1 week germination.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Leeks Started

Today I started an 18 cell pack of leeks. I bought a new large bag of soil 120L from Costco for $17.95 because I did need a little more and that covers enough soil for the pots on the deck this summer.  Started approx. 5-10 seeds per pot, I just sprinkled them in and mixed the soil around and then watered with the spray bottle.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Seed Starting 2018

It has been a while since I updated this blog.  Since being in the new house I have been using Excel sheets, but this way I can look up info where ever and don’t need to worry about losing paper copies or if my computer fails.

Today is the Spring Equinox and I started the Peppers and Basil. I’m using 18 cell trays again and started 9 Marconi Rosso, 9 Colossal Hybrid, 6 Chervena Chushka and 6 Hungarian Yellow Sweet Banana.  I put 2 seeds in every tray to maximize germination because these are all seeds I bought last year.  There are 6 cells of basil that I just sprinkled in, approx. 10 per cell.  The peppers got 10 sprays of water directly onto the seed and then I covered with a little bit more dirt.  The water actually pulled more dirt on top as it settled.  Because this is soil I bought in the fall I am curious to see how it does.  I’m using Promix Organic Seed starting mix again this year the small bags, Costco had a huge bag but I had already bought these last year.  For next years seed starting I will not buy in advance and try and get some cheaper from Costco. 
Right now its looking like I will likely have to go with both shelves and get another light, because I am starting a few extra things this year as well as some for my parents.

Monday, October 26, 2015

fall garlic planting new garden

Garlic was planted on October 25th and 26th,  couple weeks later than planned